"in well-mixed populations, the defectors prevailed. In populations with clumps of cooperators and defectors, in contrast, cooperators won out."
Now, to be fair, he was talking about populations of yeast colonies. But, wouldn't you agree that "clumping" with like-minded people supports your good intentions? Isn't this what support groups, AA, and teams have always known?
Somehow, when we clump together, the energy we create, and the potential that we can manifest, is more than the sum of what we could each accomplish alone. I love that.
Somehow, when we clump together, the energy we create, and the potential that we can manifest, is more than the sum of what we could each accomplish alone. I love that.
I love that too. And the proof is our 8 mile run the other day which i most certainly would never have managed without clumping up with you. :)